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The Zambia School of Biblical Studies is located in beautiful Livingstone, Zambia, the tourism capitol of the nation. The mist from Victoria Falls can be seen from the campus. The falls is among the world's largest and spans nearly two kilometers. Also near the campus is the Kafue National Park which is one of Africa's largest game sanctuaries.
The campus of the Zambia School of Biblical Studies consists of three buildings. The building on the left has two classrooms, and it also houses the library. The building in the center has three dorm rooms and the bathing facility. The building on the right contains the dining hall, kitchen, lounge, and offices. The building of the Highland Church of Christ is behind the school.
This is one of the classrooms. As you can readily see, it is adequately equipped with twenty-four nice individual desks. Chapel is also conducted here which begins each weekday. There are two main classes each week-day. The first is from nine to noon, and the second is from thirteen to sixteen. It is also equipped with maps, a chalkboard, and a pulpit.
The library, which is located between the two classrooms, houses books and study materials. There are also tables for individual studying. Students are able to access the library each weekday. Though the resources are limited, the library serves as a great asset and source of learning to students and faculty. Students will want to make full use of it.
There are three open dorms which house eight to nine students each. The dorms are furnished with beds, mattresses, mosquito nets, and shelving. After spending time with fellow students and instructors, students will make friendships that will last a lifetime.
The photo to the right is the dining hall. Breakfast is served after chapel and before the first class begins. Lunch is served around noon. Supper is served in the early evening. This hall easily accommodates all the students. No doubt, it is a favorite place for some of the men. The wives of the instructors serve as cooks. Eating together builds relationships.
Dining Hall
The lounge is a place for students to take a break from their studies. They can relax and enjoy themselves. There are tables on which to play games and/or just sit around and converse. Students can watch TV, play video games or listen to music. The instructors' offices are also just off this room to the left. The mist of Victoria Falls can also be seen from this room.


In 1979, the Sullins family went to Kenya, Africa to do mission work for the Lord. While there, they worked in many areas including the slums of Kariobangi as well as the Railway Training Center. While working with the Railway Training Center, Jerry and Edith Sullins met some men from Botswana, Africa, who were soon converted and who showed a great desire to learn more about God and to preach His word. After years of work in Kenya, Africa, Jerry and Edith Sullins were challenged by the Muswana's to start a preacher training school in Botswana, Africa. So, in 1988 after much planning and preparation, Jerry and Edith (less the kids) went to Gaborone, Botswana, Africa to start the Botswana School of Biblical Studies.

After two years in the capital city of Gaborone, the school was moved to the village of Mahalapye about two hours to the north. The school continued to succeed in Mahalapye and prospered for the sake of God. However in 1996, a fellow brother and missionary in Livingstone, Zambia, Africa contacted Jerry Sullins and invited the school to come and relocate on his farm in Zambia, rent free! This brother's name is Loyd Henson. Loyd and Pearl are long time missionaries in southern Zambia.

After much prayer and further planning, the school was moved, and the name was changed to the Zambia School of Biblical Studies. Today, the school has a new facility in Livingstone, Zambia and is prospering well with the capacity to train up to fifty men at a time. However at this time, we are only able train fifteen to twenty-five men due to funding.

In 2003, Jerry and Edith Sullins relocated back to the United States. They now reside in Springfield, Missouri where he serves as an elder of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ and as the director of the Bible Institute of Missouri. Brother Sullins also works as an advisor and chancellor for the Zambia School of Biblical Studies.

Since brother Jerry Sullins left, brother Peter Masiya served as the director 2004-2005, and brother Amos Simuliye served as the director 2006-2007. Currently, brother Webby Kenabanyama serves as the director.

In addition to the Zambia School of Biblical Studies, many other preacher training schools have arisen through our graduates. There are now schools in Kampala, Uganda; Nairobi, Kenya; Offinso, Ghana; Siamufumba, Kalomo, Zambia; as well as in Zimbabwe. God continues to bless this good work and all of these wondrous efforts to His glory and praise.


Webby Kenabanyama, director and instructor, and his wife, Jane, were married in 1990, and they have four children, two boys and two girls all living at home. He is originally from Kalomo and became a Christian in 1976. He received training from the Zambia Bible Training Center where he graduated in 1988. From 1992 to 1994, he taught in that school. He graduated from the Zambia School of Biblical Studies in 1997, and began teaching in this school in 1998. In 2007, he received his bachelor degree of Bible through distance learning from the Tennessee Bible College. He has worked with the Martindale, Chilangu, Kasiya, Chise, and Highlands congregations. Besides numerous gospel meetings and seminars, he has helped with planting churches, training workers to preach, building renovations, building buildings, and relief distributions.
Webby Kenabanyama
Peter Masiya, instructor, and his wife, Julia, have six children, three boys and three girls. He is originally from Sinde, Zambia which is about thirty kilometers from Livingstone. He became a Christian in 1972. His grandfather was among the first to bring the gospel to Zambia in 1910 and planted a congregation in Mukuni Village in 1912. He was been with the Zambia School of Biblical Studies since its beginning in 1996. Previously, he worked with the Zambia Bible Training Center (1978-1994). He also trained there and graduated in 1976. In addition, he graduated from the Botswana School of Biblical Studies in 1992. From 1993 through 1994, he served as an instructor with this school also. He received his bachelor degree of Bible through distance learning from the Tennessee Bible College in 2005. Further, he labored with the Martindale congregation for several years. Peter has preached in numerous seminars and gospel meetings throughout Zambia.
Peter Masiya
Godfrey Pitika, instructor, and his wife, Precious, have one son, Samuel, and ten other dependants. He is originally from the Livingstone area. He became a Christian in 1981, and his wife in 1983. He graduated from the Zambia Bible Training Center in 1988, the Manzini Bible School in 1993, and the Zambia School of Biblical Studies in 1997. After graduating from the Zambia Bible Training Center, he labored with the Martindale Church of Christ for two years and taught in that school. During this time, he helped plant the congregations at Chilangu and Mapantizya. Godfrey began working with the Zambia School of Biblical Studies in 1999 and has preached in numerous seminars and gospel meetings. He also helps with door to door evangelism. In August of 2007, he received his bachelor degree of Bible through distance learning from the Tennessee Bible College. During the past year, he has been involved with the Airport congregation which he helped plant. In addition, he helped plant the Nakatindi congregation which is also near the airport.
Godfrey Pitika