In 1988, Jerry and Edith Sullins moved to Botswana, Africa and began the preacher training school called
the Botswana School of Biblical Studies. This school was moved to Livingstone, Zambia in 1995 after an
invitation was given by Lloyd Henson to use his house as a facility. At that time the school was renamed
the Zambia School of Biblical Studies. Under the supervision of Jerry Sullins, three instructors serve
as co-directors of this work at the present time: Peter Masiya, Webby Kennabanyama, and Godfrey Pitika.
All of these men are previous graduates of the school. This school has its own land and facility.
After around 18 years of work in Africa, Jerry Sullins was invited to come to Springfield, Missouri and
start the Bible Institute of Missouri. In 2003 this school started as a full-time preacher training
school in a new facility. Jerry currently directs this school of preaching as well.
Also in 2003, a sister school was opened full-time in Busia, Uganda. This school is called the East
Africa School of Biblical Studies. This school is presently directed by Alex Barasa (a graduate of the
Botswana School of Biblical Studies). It is also under the supervision of Jerry Sullins. Two other
graduates help teach in this school. This school now has its own land and facility.
In 2017, after years of having a part-time school in Ghana, the Missouri Institute of Biblical Studies
Ghana was turned into a full-time school. Williams Benjamin Anarfi currently directs the school under
the supervision of Ray Sullins and Brent Green. Two other graduates assist as teachers.
It is our prayer that these works may continue to grow and prosper for God. Furthermore, we continue to
look to the need for more great schools like these throughout this world. Together we can do great
things for God!